Monday, May 4, 2020

Adopt an Alameda business. The need is urgent.

Hi, folks…I realize everyone is dealing with hardships during this Covid 19 invasion, but I wanted to still take a moment to ask you a favor. If you live/work/play in Alameda, CA or just have a soft spot for the Isle of Beguile for whatever reason, please support our local businesses in any way you can. 
Pick one or two of your favorite spots, contact the owner and ask how you can pitch in. Yes, order take out. Yes, buy an item online. But, if at all possible, please give them a cash donation! It is literally the only way some of our merchants will make it. Consider it an investment in your future fun.
It was reported this morning that as many as 50% of restaurants in major cities across the country may not survive this shut down. Can you imagine? What will Alameda look like, feel like, if we don’t all do our part to keep it up and running? We’ve all heard the stories on the news. By the time this shelter in place has lifted, many of our great shops and services may not have been able to navigate the shut down. Where will you get your burrito? Your donut? Sit and have a beer with your friends? Get your hair done-did? Buy your kids toys? Procure your lotions and potions? Attend a dance class? Get your car fixed?
Face it. You’ll have to leave the Island!!!!
At this point, there’s no way around it. If we don’t pull together to support all the great local shopkeepers, service providers, artists, butcher, bakers, candlestick makers…our lovely little city will suffer severely. 
We all benefit when we pitch in to make a difference. Take the initiative. Let’s pull together to rise up, flourish, and take pride in our town. Please. 
Love, PC

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